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Consortium for Critical Interdisciplinary Studies

Our Mission

A joint effort by the Africana Studies, American Studies, and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies Departments, the Consortium for Critical Interdisciplinary Studies (CCIS) is dedicated to creating a vibrant intellectual community across disciplinary boundaries and fostering the in-depth study of the complex intersections of race, ethnicity, Indigeneity, gender, sexuality, and class at Barnard College. 

For Barnard undergraduates, CCIS offers five interdisciplinary minors/concentrations...

  1. ADAAS (Asian Diaspora and Asian American Studies)
  2. Interdisciplinary Concentration on Race and Ethnicity and the Minor on Race and Ethnicity (ICORE/MORE)
  3. Environmental Humanities Minor and Concentration (EHMC)
  4. Feminist/Intersectional Science and Technology Studies (F/ISTS)
  5. Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS)

All Barnard students, regardless of their major, have an opportunity to minor in one or more of these offerings. Students majoring in one of the three CCIS disciplines (Africana Studies, American Studies, and Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies) also have the opportunity to concentrate in one of these offerings, integrating the curriculum into their major requirements.